I write music for acoustic instruments and electronic means. I spent my youth repeatedly playing fragments of songs through my headphones, immersed in the weaving of pitches, striving to replicate them with my guitar. Didn’t take a piano lesson or learn to read music on a staff until my twenties, but I've always listened attentively. Recently, I’ve been exploring how other artistic expressions can inspire musical ideas, and I’m also developing compositional systems where the interplay of multiple simple algorithms produces complex results and quasi-organic behaviors.

Currently live in Chicago, pursuing a PhD in Composition and Music Technology at Northwestern University, where I study with Alex Mincek and Jay Alan Yim. I hold an MM in Interdisciplinary Digital Media Composition from Arizona State University, where I was a Fulbright fellow under the guidance of Fernanda Aoki Navarro and Gabriel Bolaños. I also earned a Bachelor’s in Composition and Music Theory from the Centro de Investigación y Estudios de la Música (CIEM).
