Honorable Mention at “Morelia Ciudad Creativa de la Música 2024” orchestral composition competition. Morelia, MX, 2024.

Premiere of to collapse for trumpet and electronics by Hugh Ash. June 29th, Dalton Recital Hall, Western Michigan University. 

Premiere of perforat[interfer]e for saxophone quartet by Cadeaux Quartet. April 18th, Ryan Opera Theatre, Northwestern University.


Premiere of Between transparency and the invisible at ASU Gammage  Hall. October 26th with ASU Symphony Orchestra conducted by  Sergio Freeman.

Selected on the BabelScores Reading Panel 2023 for my work to be included in BabelScores catalogue. The jury was formed by composers Huihui Cheng, Lucas Fagin, Luis Naon, Marco Antonio Suarez, Patricia Alessandrini and Pedro García Velasquez.


Situación #3 ...sobre la línea del horizonte will have its Mexican premiere on  October 22 at the Carlos Chávez Hall in Mexico City by the CEPROMUSIC ensemble, as part of the 44 Foro Internacional de Música Nueva "Manuel Enríquez."

Situación #4 will be premiered in the first Composition Studio Concert of fall 2022 at ASU's Katzin Hall, on October 3.

Winner of the 2022 ASU Composition Competition. Received a commission to write a piece for ASU Symphony Orchestra that will be performed during their 2022-23 season. 

Selected for the Impulse New Music Festival's Composition Cohort. Will be writing a piece for the festival's Ensemble-In-Residence, the Brightwork Ensemble that will be premiered at the festival some day in September.